You might be someone with a naturally creative spirit who has dreamed of turning a passion for writing into a paying job. There are many opportunities online, particularly in the areas of fiction and non-fiction story writing. Web publishers offer freelance writing jobs that pay really well and can be an excellent way for people to earn extra income while working from home and doing so on their own schedules.
First of all, you need to become familiar with resources that provide you with tips and places where you can land writing or editing jobs that pay for your original work. Some of our favorites are The (Submission), Duotrope, Grinder, and Writer’s Market. Sites like these gather all of the different publishers looking for a wide variety of written work.
Next, you will want to consider the different types of online writing jobs you are actually interested in doing. Poetry, short stories, and novels are quite popular and are certainly the kinds of things creative people like to write, but you can also earn an income with non-fiction articles, blogs, reviews and more. The easiest way to figure out what you want to try is to simply look back at the sort of things you regularly read. Doing this kind of research will also give you an idea of the sort of writing style you need to master in order to get published.
Search the web for sites in areas you are interested in (poetry, short stories, etc.) and offer to submit some material for free. If they like your stuff most of the sites will be looking for regular content to be sent their way. A cold pitch can go a long way towards starting a career.
Some places will request you submit pieces without pay. Don’t brush these opportunities aside, they are great for building a portfolio you can send to other employers. Just be sure to review and update your portfolio often. As you’re writing skills improve you’ll want to exhibit your best stuff.
As soon as you’ve developed a respectable portfolio you are ready to openly share with others, consider launching your own professional website. A well-designed website can attract some high-paying employment opportunities for you without you having to invest much time.
There are plenty of places where you can find freelance story writing gigs on the web. Social websites are filled with groups of likeminded people who share their stories and opportunities with up and coming contributors. Ask for a referral and keep your eyes open for job openings.
Have you already started landing regular online writing jobs and have tips you would like to share with others? We’d like to hear from you and share your stories with other people looking to start earning a steady income from home.
Hot Freelance Jobs For Writers